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Rowanty Technical Center

Important Dates

The center of the Rowanty experience is hands-on learning, and we look forward to welcoming students to experience firsthand the power of a Rowanty education.

Our mission is to provide quality career and technical education programs to assist each student enrolled from Dinwiddie, Prince George, and Sussex County Public Schools to achieve their potential in career and technical occupations. Expectations of students are to be responsible for their learning and their actions and to master competencies in their career and technical area. With this commitment, we will provide students with the educational opportunity to meet state and national standards in their specific career and technical area. Upon successful completion, students are eligible to demonstrate their competencies, be prepared for entry-level employment, post-secondary education, or the military.

Rowanty Technical Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, or disability in admission to programs and services (or activities in access to them); in treatment of individuals; or in any other aspect of its operations, hiring, or employment practices.

School Hours

School Year

  • Monday-Friday 7:45am-3:45pm


  • Monday-Thursday 7:00am-5:00pm


  • Open Days 8:00am-3:00pm

Class Schedule

  • Morning Class 8:15am - 10:35am
  • Afternoon Class 11:35am - 1:55pm